Published Books:
‘Grounds and Envelopes: Reshaping Architecture and the Built Environment’ Routledge / Taylor & Francis, 2015 Authors: Hensel M and Turko J. P.
Published Project Work:
Grounds and Envelopes: Reshaping Architecture and the Built Environment’ Routledge / Taylor & Francis, 2015
AD PRIMERS:Performance-Oriented Architecture, Turf City (NEKTON Studio), M-velope & Membrella (OCEAN)
Mark Magazine No.28, Atlantic City Holocaust Memorial competition entry.
The 3rd Architectural Biennale Beijing 2008 Catalogue: New Digital Techniques for Architecture. (nekton design)
Vatnsmyri 102 Reykjavik, Planning and Building Department City of Reykjavik. (nekton design)
AD Architectural Design magazine, Collective Intelligence in Design, Evolving Synergy: OCEAN Currents, Current OCEANs and Why Networks Must Displace Themselves. Written by Michael Hensel. Projects shown: LANDSCrAPER_Urban RIng Bridge & World Center for Human Concerns
Blobjects and Beyond: The New Fluidity in Design Project shown: World Center for Human Concerns, as Urban Office in collaboration with: OceanNorth Published by Chronicle Books,U.S.
10 x 10_2 Project shown: LANDSCrAPER_Urban RIng Bridge & World Center for Human Concerns, as Urban Office in collaboration with: OceanNorth Published by Phaidon Press
AD Architectural Design magazine, Emergence: Morphogenetic Design Strategies, Finding Exotic Form: An Evolution of Form Finding as a Design Method, written by Michael Hensel. Project shown: World Center for Human Concerns
Praxis, New Technologies://New Architectures Project shown: World Center for Human Concerns, as Urban Office in collaboration with: OceanNorth Published by Praxis Journal, U.S.
Landscape Urbanism, A Manual for the Machinic Landscape Project shown: LANDSCrAPER_Urban RIng Bridge & World Center for Human Concerns, as Urban Office in collaboration with: OceanNorth Published by Architectural Association Publications
A New World Trade Center Exhibition; Design Proposals, Max Protetch Project shown: World Center for Human Concerns in collaboration with: OceanNorth. Published by HarperCollins
AD Architectural Design magazine, Furniture and Architecture, Practice Profile; Ocean North Project shown : World Center for Human Concerns and LANDSCrAPER_Urban RIng Bridge In collaboration with: OceanNorth Wiley-Academy publishing
Maja, Estonian Architecture Magazine 2001 2 2001 (29) Surfacing_Fields, Re-Planning Peetri Plats, Narva, Estonia
Meidan Talo, Finish building Magazine 'Inside_Out_House, Nurinkurinen_Talo," Pomarkku House competition, Finland
10+1 no. 22 Architecture 2001: Forty Navigations, INAX publishing, as URBAN OFFICE
Living Bridges Die schonsten Brucken vom Mittelalter bis zum Cyberspace as URBAN OFFICE. NRW-Forum Kultur and Wirtschaft Dusseldorf pp.60-63
Maja, Estonian Architecture Magazine 2/3 2000 (26) 'Bjorvika Project' as URBAN OFFICE
Morgenbladet 2 June 2000, Norwegian national newspaper "Byrom Som Bolger Urban Topografi" pp. Front & 4-5
Published Articles:
‘Grounds and Envelopes En Route to Non-Discrete Architecture’ Reader Tectonics in Architecture, Aalborg University Press, 2018 Authors: Hensel M., and Turko J. P.
OCEAN Auxiliary Architectures – Membrane Spaces, Digital and Parametric Architecture, eVolo Issue 06, 2014 pp. 241 247 Authors: Hensel M., Sunguroğlu Hensel D. and Turko J. P.
‘Performative Lines,’ Mobility of the Line. A Design Element across Architecture, Interiors, Art and Graphic Design Birkhauser, April 2013 Author: Turko J. P.
‘Research by Design in the trans-disciplinary context of the OCEAN Design Research Association,’ Design Innovation for the Built Environment. Research by Design and the Renovation of Practice. Routledge / Taylor & Francis, February 2012 Authors: Hensel M., Sunguroğlu Hensel D. and Turko J. P.
‘Ocean Design Research Association’, Performalism Form and Performance in Digital Architecture, Routledge / Taylor & Francis. August 2011 pp. 142 – 149. Turko J. P., Sunguroğlu Hensel D. and Sevaldson B.
Parallel Indexing: Infrastructure and Space, For the Unit Factor series in AD magazine, in the forthcoming issue of AD 'Digital Cities.'
100 Uzerinden 100, XXI Design Magazine, Turkey, October 2006 Issue. Review of the 100% Design show in London.
Contemporary Techniques in Architecture, AD Architectural Design magazine Virtually Crash Testing the Box, Wiley-Academy publishing
Space of Extremes, Do-group, Space the Final Extreme Published by the Oslo School of Architecture
Maja, Estonian Architecture Magazine 2/3 2000 (26) 'Bjorvika Project'